
title= The 360 Cacher  
 Awarded for finding 312 Degrees of the Compass 
 Lomochapo has 312 and needs 48 more to go up a leveltitle= The Shutterbug 
 Awarded for a Photo gallery count of 50 or more Photos 
 Lomochapo has 1986 and needs 514 more to go up a level
title= The Caching Veteran 
 Awarded for finding a cache in 3 different years 
 Lomochapo has 15 and needs 2 to go up a level
title= The Travelling Cacher 
 Awarded for finding a cache in 2 or more countries 
 Lomochapo has 8 and needs 4 more to go up a leveltitle= The Daily Cacher 
 Awarded for having 7 or more consecutive days with finds 
 Lomochapo has 60 and needs 122 to go up a leveltitle= The Outing Calendar Cacher 
 Awarded for having cached on 100 or more different dates 
 Lomochapo has 281 days and needs 19 to go up a leveltitle= The Head-In-The-Clouds Award 
 Awarded for finding a cache above 500m in elevation 
 Lomochapo has Found a cache above 2347m and needs to find one at 2500m to go up a leveltitle= The Matrix Cacher 
 Awarded for finding 20 caches with unique Difficulty/Terrain ratings 
 Lomochapo has 44 and needs 6 more to go up a leveltitle= The Cache Owner 
 Awarded for hiding/hosting 10 or more geocaches/event caches 
 Lomochapo has 40 and needs 10 more to go up a leveltitle= The Coin Collector 
 Awarded for moving/discovering 75 Geocoins 
 Lomochapo has 361 and needs 139 more to go up a level
title= The Wherigo Cacher 
 Awarded for finding 2 or more Wherigo type caches 
 Lomochapo has 9 and needs 1 more to go up a leveltitle= The Social Cacher 
 Awarded for attending 5 or more Event caches 
 Lomochapo has 28 and needs 2 more to go up a leveltitle= The Micro Cacher 
 Awarded for finding 200 or more Micro sized caches 
 Lomochapo has 539 and needs 261 more to go up a leveltitle= The Small Cacher 
 Awarded for finding 150 or more Small sized caches 
 Lomochapo has 455 and needs 45 more to go up a leveltitle= The FTF Addict 
 Awarded for being the first cacher to find 15 or more caches 
 Lomochapo has 42 and needs 8 more to go up a leveltitle= The Brainiac 
 Awarded for finding 2 or more Difficulty 5 caches 
 Lomochapo has 8 and needs 1 more to go up a leveltitle= The Author 
 Awarded for having an average log length of 30 words 
 Lomochapo has words 55,75 words/log and needs 60 to go up a level
title= The Geocacher 
 Awarded for finding 500 or more geocaches(any type) 
 Lomochapo has 1272 and needs 728 more to go up a leveltitle= The Traditional Cacher 
 Awarded for finding 400 or more Traditional type caches 
 Lomochapo has 1079 and needs 921 more to go up a leveltitle= The Diverse Cacher 
 Awarded for finding 3 or more different types of geocaches in a single day 
 Lomochapo has 4 and needs 5 to go up a leveltitle= The Regular Cacher 
 Awarded for finding 100 or more Regular sized caches 
 Lomochapo has 165 and needs 35 more to go up a leveltitle= The Event Host 
 Awarded for hosting 1 or more Event caches 
 Lomochapo has hosted 2 and needs to host 1 more to go up a leveltitle= The Favourite Cacher 
 Awarded for acquiring 25 or more favourite points on hidden caches 
 Lomochapo has 56 and needs 4 more to go up a leveltitle=The South Wind Cacher 
 Awarded for finding 125 or more caches on a bearing of South from home base 
 Lomochapo has 301 and needs 199 more to go up a leveltitle=The East Wind Cacher 
 Awarded for finding 125 or more caches on a bearing of East from home base 
 Lomochapo has 455 and needs 45 more to go up a leveltitle=The West Wind Cacher 
 Awarded for finding 125 or more caches on a bearing of West from home base 
 Lomochapo has 335 and needs 165 more to go up a level
title= The Multi Cacher 
 Awarded for finding 50 or more Multi-cache type caches 
 Lomochapo has 61 and needs 39 more to go up a leveltitle= The Mysterious Cacher 
 Awarded for finding 50 or more Mystery/Puzzle type caches 
 Lomochapo has 80 and needs 20 more to go up a leveltitle= The Earth Cacher 
 Awarded for finding 5 or more Earthcache type caches 
 Lomochapo has 8 and needs 2 more to go up a leveltitle= The Unknown Size Cacher 
 Awarded for finding 50 or more Unknown cache types 
 Lomochapo has 94 and needs 6 more to go up a leveltitle= The Large Cacher 
 Awarded for finding 3 or more Large sized caches 
 Lomochapo has 9 and needs 1 more to go up a leveltitle= The Travel Bug 
 Awarded for moving/discovering 50 Travel Bugs 
 Lomochapo has 90 and needs 10 more to go up a leveltitle=The North Wind Cacher 
 Awarded for finding 125 or more caches on a bearing of North from home base 
 Lomochapo has 181 and needs 69 more to go up a level

Hover cursor over a badge to view a description.

title=Geocaching Belt: Level 17 of 41 |199,63 total points.

Badges generated on 13-05-2024 by BadgeGen V4.0.57.

The Groundspeak Geocaching Logo is a registered trademark of Groundspeak, Inc. Used with permission.
The logo and icons are used with Permission.